About Us
Bedford Academy at a glance
Founded: 2003 Principal: Dr. Adofo A. Muhammad Areas of Study: |
What We’re Doing
Bedford Academy's graduation rate fluctuates between 98% and 100% every year. In addition, 98% of our graduating seniors enter into two and four year Colleges/Universities. In addition, we offer a rigorous pre-College/University experience which emphasizes our five majors: Pre-Engineering, Pre-Med, Pre-Law, Pre-Education and Liberal Arts. Bedford Academy also enjoys a triple A school rating. Furthermore, Bedford Academy has partnered with Syracuse University, Long Island University, Medgars Evers College, Monroe College, St. Joeseph's College and SUNY Albany to provide dual credit programs and enhance our scholars academic development in order to maximize their career and college readiness.
Recent Accomplishments
About 92% of our student pass their regents during the 2018 school year |
About 94% of our student pass their regents during the 2019 school year |
About 97% of our scholars who took the Algebra 1 and ELA regents early in January 2023 passed. |
About 99% of our scholars have graduated and have received acceptance to their college (based on the data from the 2020 and 2021 school year) |